
Physiotherapeutic methods used in the Carolina Medical Center

Manual therapy
Dry Needling
Rehabilitation undergoing USG
Rehabilitation after COVID-19
Rehabilitation after surgery

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Physiotherapeutic methods used in the Carolina Medical Center

Manual therapy
Dry Needling
Rehabilitation after COVID-19
Rehabilitation after surgery

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Physiotherapeutic methods used in the Carolina Medical Center

Pakiet Przeciwbólowy

Dedykowany jest pacjentom, którzy cierpią z powodu chorób zwyrodnieniowych i reumatycznych, przewlekłych zespołów bólowych kręgosłupa i stawów, dyskopatii oraz urazów.

Pakiet Aktywnego Seniora

Zwalczanie dolegliwości bólowych oraz poprawa jakości życia pacjentów po 60 roku życia.

Pakiet Dla Aktywnych

Przeznaczony jest dla wyczynowych sportowców, ale także amatorów, ceniących swoje zdrowie i dbających o profilaktykę.

Physiotherapy – maintaining, developing and restoring motor skills

Physiotherapy is a medical science which involves treating patients with the help of movement and natural means that we find in nature (e.g., light or electrical stimuli).

It comes from the times of natural medicine and can be a separate treatment method or can complement pharmacotherapy. It is often used during the recovery of patients after surgery. Physiotherapy mainly involves the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Physiotherapy benefits

  • reduces pain,
  • helps to regain fitness after an injury,
  • minimizes the risk of repeated injuries,
  • improves the fitness and general condition of the body,
  • recommended for athletes who have suffered an injury and must stop training.

Physiotherapy is a term often confused with rehabilitation, used as a synonym or substitute. However, these are two different terms. Rehabilitation means restoring fitness after an injury or surgery, and physiotherapy is part of this rehabilitation For example, a patient with a broken arm attends both rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Rehabilitation in this case refers to specific procedures, and physiotherapy to the entire treatment process.

Methods used in physiotherapy

We can distinguish many methods of physiotherapy, which are used depending on the diagnosis and indications. These include:  

  • Manual therapy – a specialized area of physiotherapy devoted to the management of neuromuscular-skeletal diseases, based on clinical conclusions and the use of highly specialized treatment methods, including manual techniques and therapeutic exercises. More and more training in manual therapy is dedicated solely to the treatment of muscle pain and other soft tissues. Manual therapy dedicated to treating soft tissues is referred to as “soft” therapy, as opposed to manual therapy dedicated to the joints (hard therapy).
  • Kinesiotherapy – this is treatment through various forms of movement. It is most often used for back pain and musculoskeletal disorders. It increases the muscle strength, the range of motion, and improves the flexibility and tension of soft tissues.
  • Physical therapy – these are physical treatments based on physical phenomena such as electricity or light. Physical therapy is used in neuralgia and pain syndromes, in the course of osteoarthritis of the spine, regeneration of diseased tissues, relieving swelling, and accelerating wound healing.
  • Kinesiotaping – a tape with elastic properties, similar to the elasticity of human skin, applied directly to the skin. Its task is to improve microcirculation and lymph flow, which in turn contributes to the reduction of inflammation or to the absorption of swelling. Kinesiotaping increases the range of motion and supports the work of the muscles./li>