Medical personal training

Medical personal training is a combination of physiotherapy and motor-skill training, which is recommended to all patients who want to return to fitness and sports activity after an injury or surgery. This training not only allows to regain mobility, but also contributes to reducing loads, which in turn reduces the risk of another injury.

At the Carolina Medical Center, motor-skill trainers have completed physiotherapy studies, thanks to which they can develop an individual and effective training plan. Knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and physiology allows to appropriately select exercises according to the patient’s dysfunction, limitations, age or daily activities. Carolina Medical Center trainers are qualified to work with patients who are suffering from orthopedic injuries or diseases, or who have had musculoskeletal surgery.

The Training Center at the Carolina Medical Center

The Carolina Medical Center training system was created by specialists and sports enthusiasts based on their medical knowledge and experience in working with athletes. It is aimed at both professional athletes and amateurs:

  • People with an active lifestyle

If you play sports and want to improve your results, training at the Carolina Medical Center will be a great complementary form of activity. By increasing the stability of the body and improving sensorimotor skills, you will achieve smooth movement, which will improve its effectiveness. This training not only increases strength, but also restores balance and neuromuscular coordination. It is treated as a method of preventing injuries and selected according to the sport you practice.

  • People with little physical activity

The Training Center at the Carolina Medical Center is an excellent recipe for ailments related to overload in everyday life or lack of exercise. It is a natural training, compatible with biomechanics and individually matched to the needs of your body. It is also very flexible – it shapes the body, builds muscles, increases endurance, speed and strength, but at the same time is beneficial for your spine, shoulders and knees.

  • People recovering from injury

Trainings in our Center can be a natural supplement or continuation of the rehabilitation process and as such it is recommended for people returning to full fitness after an injury. In order to return to activity, it is necessary to regain full efficiency of the entire musculoskeletal system. Exercises will always be adjusted to the goal of therapy and performed under the supervision of a trainer who will be in constant contact with your doctor and physiotherapist.

Carolina Medical Training System

Specialists from the Carolina Medical Center have created the modern Carolina Medical Training System, which is based on knowledge about the effectiveness of various forms of training in professional sports and rehabilitation. It is a unique training concept, the first in Poland, developed jointly by orthopedists, biomechanics specialists, physiotherapists and personal trainers.

Carolina Medical Training System action plan

  1. We assess your health and physical predispositions. We use the knowledge and experience of specialists in orthopedics, biomechanics, physiotherapy and motor-skill trainers.
  2. We carry out objective measurements of force, sensorimotor skills and stabilography, using the most modern diagnostic devices in the Functional Diagnostics Center of the Carolina Medical Center. We also evaluate the movement technique to detect weaknesses and define primary training goals.
  3. We invite you to the CMTS Training Center, where your motor-skill preparation trainer will develop an individual training program for you.
  4. We will prepare it based on the research results and your goals and predispositions. In the case of people with injuries, training sessions will include exercises to strengthen specific muscle groups.
    During training, you will use the latest generation of exercise equipment and will be under constant care of a qualified trainer. We also evaluate the course and effectiveness of training on an ongoing basis.

The Training Center at the Carolina Medical Center ensures:

  • constant care of motor-skill trainers with physiotherapeutic education;
  • a maximum of 3 people exercising in the room at the same time;
  • gym equipped with modern equipment;
  • medical assessment of physical predispositions;
  • an individually prepared training plan, taking into account the needs of your body, which guarantees 100% effectiveness if you do your best;
  • a functional diagnostic test package;
  • monitoring of training progress;
  • BIA – body composition analysis;

Medical personal training – first visit

The Carolina Medical Center Training Center is located on the first floor (next to the rehabilitation room).

  • Before the start of classes, the fee for classes must be paid at the reception.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes earlier and start classes only in the presence of your trainer.
  • Please bring loose sports clothes to the classes, including sports shoes and a towel.

Damian Wiśniewski

Fizjoterapeuta, trener przygotowania motorycznego, dyplomowany osteopata

Specjalizuję się w leczeniu schorzeń i urazów kręgosłupa, stawów: ramiennego (barku), biodrowego, kolanowego i skokowego a także w rehabilitacji pocovidowej. W pracy łączę elementy przygotowania motorycznego oraz fizjoterapii.

Trenerzy przygotowania motorycznego

Damian Wiśniewski
Damian Wiśniewski

Fizjoterapeuta, trener przygotowania motorycznego, dyplomowany osteopata

Mateusz Jenda
Mateusz Jenda

Trener przygotowania motorycznego

Milena Kowalczyk
Milena Kowalczyk

Fizjoterapeuta, trener przygotowania motorycznego

Anna Wolańska
Anna Wolańska

Fizjoterapeuta, trener przygotowania motorycznego

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